Contact ASARA

Mailing Address:

Arkansas Search and Rescue Association
4 Emergency Lane
Russellville AR 72802

ASARA Officers and Board of Directors

President: Klay Rowbotham (Johnson County DEM SAR - Johnson County - At Large)
Vice-President: James Mason (Arkansas River Valley Support (ARVS) - Conway County - At Large)
Secretary: Amy Sutliff (Sebastian County SAR - Sebastian County - At Large/SE)
Treasurer: Justin Drittler (Pope County OEM SAR - Pope County - NW)
Board Member: Robert Shepard (Grant County SAR - Grant County - Central)
Board Member: David Gruger (Sharp County SAR - Sharp County - NE)
Board Member: Michael Waddle (Benton County SAR - Benton County - At Large/SW)

ASARA Contact Form